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How to avoid a hangover- Research Finds No Good Evidence Hangover Cures Work | Engoo
Scientists don't know exactly why people get hangovers, but there are probably several reasons. First of all, alcohol stops the body from being able to use a chemical called vasopressin, which can cause dehydration.
Dark drinks, like red wine and whiskey, may cause worse hangovers than clear drinks because they contain more congeners, chemicals that have been known to cause headaches. Drinks like champagne may also lead to worse hangovers because the bubbles allow alcohol to travel farther into the small intestine, where it quickly enters the blood. Studies have also found that women are more likely to get hangovers because their bodies are usually smaller and have less water. Many people say that they've found the cure for hangovers, including eating certain foods and even drinking more alcohol the next morning.
Scientists say that the best solution is to not drink too much, and if you still get a hangover, take ibuprofen, a medicine used to cure headaches. このページでエラーが発生したため、再読み込みが必要です。 再読み込み. Daily News Daily News. Hangovers: What Causes Them and How to Avoid Them. Exercise 1. pure 形容詞.
Pure gold is extremely valuable. The water here is very pure and safe to drink. break down 句動詞. to separate into smaller parts. Plastic bags take thousands of years to break down in the environment. vomit 動詞. to eject food or liquid through the mouth. I think I'm going to vomit. You may start vomiting if you have food poisoning. I vomited twice last night.
dehydration 名詞. the state of having lost too much water from one's body. He seems to be suffering from dehydration. performance 名詞. how well a person, machine, company, etc. does something. The company's performance has not been impressive this year. We evaluate employees based on their performance. His performance during the boss's sudden illness made him a hero to his coworkers. genetic 形容詞. Also, no two studies tested the same hangover cure, and none of the study results have ever been repeated.
This led the King's College researchers to write that there is "only very low quality evidence" that any of the studied hangover cures actually works.
Researcher Emmert Roberts explained that much better studies need to be done before we have real evidence that any hangover cure is effective.
He added that the surest way to prevent hangover symptoms is to drink in moderation, or not to drink at all. このページでエラーが発生したため、再読み込みが必要です。 再読み込み. Daily News Daily News. Research Finds No Good Evidence Hangover Cures Work. Exercise 1. effectiveness 名詞. the degree to which something produces a desired result. The company is still testing the effectiveness of the vaccine. probiotic 名詞. a substance that encourages the growth of microorganisms that have a positive effect on the body.
My dietitian suggested trying probiotics to improve my gut health. supplement 名詞. a type of pill that contains vitamins, nutrients, etc. Relying too much on supplements is not healthy. painkiller 名詞.
a drug that reduces or stops pain. My doctor prescribed a strong painkiller after the surgery. placebo 名詞. a substance that has no medical effect. One group of patients was given the new drug, while the other was given a placebo. extract 名詞. a substance containing the active or main ingredient of another substance.
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